Monday, 8 December 2014

BALI-Second Villa and food (Carlos & Marie - English & Français)

Second Villa. 

The 2nd week we moved next door, literally. While Villa Pantai was not as beautiful as Villa Shanti, it had some advantages: it was closer to the beach, and had Made, the wonderful, creative cook that takes care of renters. As it often is the case in Bali, you give her some money, and she buys what's needed and cooks for you, Balinese and Indonesian food. Every night was a feast! We just told her: “We want fish” or “We want chicken satay”, and she would cook it, accompanied by delicious salads or different varieties of rice, etc. And once we told her we wanted to be surprised, and we were flabbergasted with the number of dishes and the variety of textures and flavours she prepared!
Villa seen from the sea. This part of Bali (Lovina beach) has long rows of large villas with direct access to the black sand beach.  
This speck is Carlos, in the water right in front of the villa
Marie spent most of her afternoons reading in front of the beach, where we could hear the small waves. The sea in this part of Bali is pretty tame, very safe for kids.  
What we saw from the kitchen
... and from the table outside, for breakfast

November: a bad month to do so much mortifying school work!... Neither my experience in South America (almost summer, classrooms could get very hot) nor in Canada (the most depressing month, cold, dark and wet, before the snow clears things up) remotely compares with this type of schooling...  

Lidiando con la escuela...
We had to clean the pool several times per day, so many flowers would fall into it
We saw this guy several times, chasing insects around the house. This time, he had caught a moth, I believe


Nous avons passé notre deuxième semaine à Bali dans la Villa Pantai (pantai voulant dire plage). Étant donné la lourdeur et la lenteur du trafic, plus le fait que les filles avaient besoin de s'avancer dans leurs études, que la maison avait accès et vue directs sur la mer, et que Made est une cuisinière exceptionnelle, nous avons passé cette deuxième semaine essentiellement à la maison. Carlos et Marie ne sont sortis que 2 ou 3 fois en scooter pour aller faire des achats.
Made nous a préparé le souper à chaque jour (sauf dimanche, son jour de congé, mais elle avait prévu le coup et avait cuisiné doublement le samedi sans que nous ne lui demandions). Voici quelques exemples de mets que Made nous a cuisinés, pour vous donner une idée à quel point nous nous sommes régalés:

Soto Ikan (soupe de poisson) contenant crevettes, thon, calmar, citronnelle, gingembre, tomate et ail;
Sate (brochettes) de thon, de porc, de poulet (avec sauce aux arachides);
Karedok (salade de germes de soja avec sauce aux arachides), recette javanaise;
Crevettes panées;
Rouleaux de printemps aux légumes et au poulet avec sauce aigre-douce;
Bœuf au plat, légèrement piquant;
Nouilles frites aux légumes;
Calamars et crevettes dans une sauce aux tomates épicée;
Poulet pané;
Tempeh frit (le tempeh est un produit alimentaire à base de soja fermenté);
Ayam betutu (préparation de poulet haché avec noix de coco, citronnelle, etc. enveloppée dans des feuilles de bananier et cuite à la vapeur)
Plusieurs plats d'accompagnement à base d'haricots verts.

Bintang Beer. It accompanied most of Carlos' meals in Bali. A delicious pilsener, it goes well with spicy dishes. Bintang means star, brilliant.

Arroz con leche a la balinesa: arroz negro, se sirve con leche de coco salada. A nosotros nos gusta acompañarlo con mangos (que en Bali son perfectos, y cuestan... 10 centavos cada uno...)

At restaurant (warung) "Dedari": delicious chicken with peanuts
Chapcay tahu: wok-tossed mixed vegetables with tofu
Tami goreng

Brochettes (satay) de thon
Ayam betutu wrapped
Ayam be tutu being devoured
Fried Tempeh

1 comment:

  1. Dear Carlos, thank you so much for your wonderful pictures and stories! They lighten up the cold and rather dark winter month in Vienna. Love to hear from you and your family! Merry Christmas, Ingrid :)


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